Monday, 27 January 2014

The Punch.

Every so often you get a piece of news out of the blue that throws you, and not in a good way.
I got that piece of news today, I found out that the Ex had moved on and it was a lot soon than expected.
I'm not saying I haven't been a hermit since the break up, but at the same time the word "relationship" makes me want to run to a corner curl up in a ball and hide.

Nevertheless news like that hurts and does feel like a punch in the gut and it takes some time to process. But you know what having had time to process it and speaking to a few friends, I'm OK. Sure it hasn't made for the best monday in the history of time but it has given me closure, it's never going to happen again and now I can go on living my life. Chapter closed. It is day's like this that I remember why we weren't right for each other, there were some serious varieties in lifestyle choice and life plans. Most importantly we didn't want to move mountains for each other, my mother has always says if you want to move mountains for someone you will and we didn't want to. He wouldn't come to Bali for me and I would move for him, case closed. It is time for me to move on to pastures new and remember everything will be OK in the end because how can it not be? I'm 22 and have my life ahead of me to PIBE.

Music has got me through a lot of my break up so I will leave you with the immortal words of miss Kelly Clarkson. You are right miss Clarkson what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and I am as of yet still alive despite hitting rock bottom. The only way is up and I just keep on climbing.


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